Lunes, Hunyo 18, 2012

Nathanael John

       Today is the birthday of  my second son, Nathanael John Cortan Rolluqui or "Janjan ".  I still remember the time when I found out that I was pregnant with him.  I'm so anxious during that time because my eldest son Nathan David was only one year old and two months. I still remember my emotional battle weaning Nathan.  But by God's grace He made everything under His full control.
                                                                                    IN MY WOMB

Last trimester of pregnancy at MOA with Nanay, my nephew and niece
    I saw God's miracle while pregnant with Janjan. On my first trimester, my eldest son Nathan acquired a virus called rubella or"german measles".  We are praying hardly during this time because if I acquired this virus while pregnant it's very dangerous for the baby in my womb. I can lose the baby, or the baby can be born blind, deaf, mentally retarded, or with heart defects or suffer other serious problems.  I remember we called many hospitals for the vaccine but we failed to have it. Thankful to God that I did not acquire the virus while pregnant with Janjan. He protected him in my womb. Praise the Lord!  On my last trimester, I experienced bleeding. I remember that time the CRC cogeo core group planned to have meeting/outing in Baguio, because of my condition that occasion was postponed. Thank God for the understanding of the group and for kind consideration of  Jasmin Aquino, she was excited that time because it will be her first time in Baguio. :-) thank you Mina!

                                                    HELLO WORLD

@ the hospital, typo error his date of birth June 19, 2009 not 2010
           Because I will deliver Nathanael John through  C-section, we scheduled my operation.  We choose June 19 because it will fall on Friday, and we planned that his first birthday will be Saturday.  We didn't know that time that June 19 was the birthday of our national hero Dr. Jose Rizal.
         At the delivery room, I'm so calmed and relaxed knowing that God's hands is holding me and my baby.  I experienced pain though I had anesthesia and the attending doctors had given me oxygen because I had difficulty in breathing.  After the delivery, I was hold in recovery room  for quiet long time because of excessive bleeding. Many prayed for me and for Janjan. Thank God for His protection for me and for baby Janjan.

My eldest son Nathan David and 3 days old Nathanael John
During the time I admitted in the hospital, my eldest son Nathan David had to be there also. We asked permission from my doctor to allow him to stay in the hospital because I want him there.  I am at peace to see him near and so excited to show him his brother.

First few weeks, I noticed Janjan was reddish. I thought he's mestizo like my uncle Polgencio Diaz Pabilada.  But as he's growing up his physical attribute said to be more like me. (happy for that..hehe)

days, weeks and monthly picture
me and janjan
1st birthday and dedication with rolluquis
           At the exact date of his birthday, as we planned for it, we decided to dedicate him to the Lord. The dedication was officiated by Pastor Roy Daquil.  It was witnessed by relatives, friends, churchmates and his sponsors our chosen ninong and ninang for him.
with Lolo Nick at Sarangani beach teaching Janjan to walk
Janjan was late to walk.  He was one year and six months when he walk on his own. It was Nanay Mariquita and Tatay Nick who taught him to walk. Thankful for the patience of my in laws to teach Janjan to walk.
         Very beautiful place to teach him is on the beach of Sarangani.
Second birthday @ the church
          On his second birthday, it was a simple celebration, We celebrated it at the church.  We bought him cake and we cooked spaghetti and pansit.  During this time, I did not know yet that I am one month pregnant with Naomi Mathia.

          Our Janjan is now three! Hay parang kailan lang.  We praise the Lord for his life. His name Nathanael means "God has given", truly he is God's gift to us.  Now that he already a big brother to Naomi Mathia, we appreciate him more. 

with his dad, Nathan his kuya and Naomi Mathia
with his dad during Tatay and Nanay golden anniversary
        Janjan, like his kuya Nathan wants to be a pilot.  For now, gaya gaya pa lang sya sa kuya nya...hehe.  Me and my husband's dream for him is to be a doctor someday.  But more than achievements, we want him to walk in God's ways.  We pray for  Him to honor God in his life, honor us as his parents and love his siblings.  We just entrust him to God. 

 Happy 3rd Birthday Janjan!! We love you so much! We'll always here for you. 

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

Life is beautiful having a son like Janjan,


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