Linggo, Abril 28, 2013

Nine hours in four provinces

It was our first road trip going to an island province with Carry (our mini van).  Our destination, MARINDUQUE!
Original route to Marinduque
Instead of taking the original route, we decided to take the alternate route which passes through Rizal, Laguna and Quezon provinces. 
in Pililia Rizal, overlooking Laguna lake
With my husband and three kids, we left our home in Antipolo nearly five in the morning.  Without knowledge of the route, we continued remembering this quote,  "THE ROAD IS IN YOUR MOUTH" which simply means to ask for the right way. In Rizal, we passed by Teresa, Baras, and Pililia.

rice field somewhere in Laguna

From Pililia, we reached the town of Mabitac, Laguna. From Mabitac,  we were kinda confused if we are in the right direction going to Lucena.  My husband doubted so we started to have stopovers to ask for direction.  The people we've asked questions were very kind and helpful. God bless these people!

In Lumban, we stopped again and ask for our way.  From there, we found out the two routes going to Lucena.  The first route is through Pagsanjan and the other through Caliraya lake in Cavinti, Laguna.  We asked which of the two is the shortest way and one answered that it is almost the same.  But this time, Pagsanjan road is not passable because  the bridge was under repair.
stop over @ caliraya


We arrived Caliraya at around seven in the morning.  We stopped to eat, rest, take some pictures and look for a pay restroom.  From Caliya (Cavinti, Laguna) we drove through many towns of Laguna. 
nearing Lucban, Quezon
We arrived Lucban, Quezon around 8:00am and from here we traveled an hour to Lucena City.

Dalahikan Port, Lucena City
We were anxious when we arrived Dalahikan Port in Lucena City because we were not sure if we can take the first Ro-ro going to Boac, Marinduque but praise the Lord we're just in time! We paid  P2,100 for our mini van included the passengers. 

ready to load to roro

heading to Starhorse Shipping Co. (roro)
We were excited to load on ro-ro. This was my kids first sea travel.  I've seen the amazement in their eyes.  They were not afraid to tour the ship and view in the balcony the children who were diving to get the coins being thrown by the passengers. 
coin divers

The ship leaves Lucena  at around 11:00 in the morning. We ate our packed lunch there but we forgot to buy some drinks and snacks for the children.  The price of snacks and drinks in ro-ro were doubled  to the original price.

My husband and youngest daughter enjoying the wind :-)

We enjoyed our voyage.  Four three hours travel from Dalahikan Port (Lucena City) to Balanacan Port (Boac, Marinduque) we were in the balcony of the ship enjoying the view and the salty wind blows.
Marinduque island from afar
small islands in marinduque
source of electric power of the whole marinduque
Balanacan Port, Boac Marinduque
We arrived Balanacan Port in Boac, Marinduque  exactly 2:00 in the afternoon.  It was a long travel started in Rizal, through Laguna and Quezon and finally we are now in the province of Marinduque, known for their Moriones Festival and the province considered to be the heart of the Philippines based on the map location.  So excited for what the province will offer to us.  Thank God for the safe and enjoyable 9-hour trip via land and sea through the four provinces.

Lunes, Abril 01, 2013

Nathan David's another birthday

        Two weeks ago, my eldest son Nathan David, asked me if it's okay to change his birthday.  I was amused by his question.  He was very persistent to the point that he's crying and asked it many times during that week.  I posted it on my Facebook timeline and friends commented.
5th Birthday / His birthday is August 20, 2007
Two of my friends from CEF (Child Evangelism Fellowship) suggested that I should lead him to Christ for him to have a new birthday.  I've been teaching him about God and how much God loved him.  I think last year, I shared with him the Gospel and tried to lead him to Christ but he said he's not ready.  One of my friends said that we should pray for him. She used the terms in Tagalog "hinugin muna natin sa panalangin".  Yes, I always pray for him and for all my children.   From the book of Rolf Garborg, The Family Blessing, I learned that parents should not only pray for their children but they should: 1) pray for them - it means parents should intercede for their children 2) pray with them - meaning with children participating in prayer and 3) bless them - use the Word of God to bless them like in Numbers 6:24-26.
      This morning,  while Naomi Mathia, my youngest was asleep, I went to our room to pray.  I pray for many things but off course I did not forget to pray for my children.  The whole day passed doing my daily routine as mother and housewife.  Because it's summer time,  I always think of daily activity for my children for them to get busy.  I remember our pastor's preaching last Sunday suggested that parents should discipline their children by giving them more time to study the Word of God.

 So this night, after supper, I gathered my children for Bible study using the CEF lessons and flashcards.
 ( Nathan was sitting and listening, Nathanael John was not that interested while Naomi Mathia was crawling and trying to get the flashcards from me) . I shared with them lesson 1 and 2 of Beginnings about creation and the story of Adam and Eve. Nathan is already familiar with creation because I already taught it to him and it's also taught in their school's Christian education subject.  But this time, I narrated the story step by step.  Nathan was  full  of questions.  I laughed when I ask him to give samples of fruits that God created, he said "mommy, fruit salad". When we got to the story of Adam and Eve, he saw the flashcard that Adam and Eve were naked and he asked why.  I explained to him that they were not shy because that time they were innocent of sin.   At the end of the story I point out to him that through Adam sin entered the world. (Romans 5:12). Nathan asked me if he is a sinner too.  After explaining about sin, I put emphasis on God's act of love by covering Adam and Eve through the skin of an animal and related it to God's love to us by giving to us Jesus who died on the cross  for our sins.  I challenged him and encouraged to pray.  He said he doesn't know how to pray on his own so he prayed over me.  After our prayer, I've noticed the glow in his eyes.   He promised to help me in Good News Club (children's ministry outreach) every Saturday.  He said he will help me by holding the flashcards while I'm teaching.  Praise the Lord! He answered my prayer! 
      This night, my son, Nathan David had a new birthday.  I will continue to remind it to him.   I will pray to God to give me more wisdom  and guidance on how to disciple him for him to grow in the knowledge of the Lord.  I can sleep now with peace and great happiness for what God has done for my son Nathan David. 

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.
Psalm 32:8

Learning MPCWA

   In my early christian life, what I used to  do was to read my bible randomly like "mini miny moe".  Later on , I learned to re...