Linggo, Pebrero 09, 2020

The Parable of the Rich Fool ( Devotion using MPCWA)

Devotion:  February 8, 2020

The Parable of the Rich Fool

Scripture: Luke 12:13-21
Context:  Jesus was teaching with thousands of crowds.
Characters:  Jesus, Disciples, Crowds, Rich man


Jesus was teaching thousands of crowds. In the middle of His teaching, a rich man asked Him to tell (command) his brother to divide the inheritance.I presumed that the inheritance was solely given to the brother that's why he came to Jesus for help. But Jesus, with a sort of dismay, warned the rich man about greediness.  Jesus told a parable to emphasize that riches intended for self gain will just go in vain. 




Do not store up things for yourself.  Do not be greedy. Be rich in God. Meaning, to seek God more and honor Him above all. 


"Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. 


  • God reminded me to acknowledge that blessings and all material possessions is a gift.  God intended to use all my finances and material blessings for His glory. It is not a sin to be rich and possess material things, but God wants me to honor Him in what I have.  To seek Him more. Worship and adore Him in my everyday life.  TO BE RICH IN GOD. TO BE IN HIS PRESENCE IS MORE THAN HAVING ALL THE THINGS IN THIS WORLD. 
  • Reminded me to not be greedy.  Greediness will lead to unhappiness. If God will bless me, I will be thankful and will do my best to use it for His glory. Wanting to have more for self gain will not give me peace and contentment.  
  • With His grace, I will  do  my best to TO BE RICH IN GOD.

Learning MPCWA

   In my early christian life, what I used to  do was to read my bible randomly like "mini miny moe".  Later on , I learned to re...